About Red Door Posters
Some years ago I began collecting a few movie posters; Bond, Butch & Sundance; artwork I liked or films I particularly enjoyed. Later, I spent time working with a movie poster dealer at various shows and exhibitions, a real education in many ways. Although my interest in posters grew I found my attention was drawn to another part of the market. I developed an interest in an area that might broadly be described as “Lifestyle” posters: travel, tourism, fashion, consumer goods.
I see posters as the social media of a pre-internet age and they fascinate me. They were often the most effective way to inform or even mobilise an increasingly aspirational, affluent, and mobile mass audience. Posters allow us an insight into the past, yet they are more than cultural markers. Content is not the only appeal; imaginative and visually striking artwork make them a beautiful medium. The designer’s mantra of form and function are wonderfully displayed in the very best posters and often, as we know, they are also very rare.
Despite being mass produced, posters were not meant to last. Today, technology allows artwork to be instantly copied. Perversely I think this only increases the appeal and value of the original posters. I love the feel of old posters even though they are often dog-eared, worn and torn, the charm of the past echoes through the paper.
So my focus is very much on original graphic art work; there will be very few posters illustrated with photographs. Reddoor Posters does not deal in reproductions. If a poster has been re-issued it will be clearly marked and priced accordingly. I have included some contemporary art work where the styles and influences of the past are clearly evident and appeal to me. Forgive my indulgence. You can find them in the Future Classics section, a title I am sure in time they will more than justify.
Finally a quick word on poster sizes: I didn’t want to delve into the terminology of poster sizes where standards and conventions vary from country to country. Using metric measurements throughout, I have provided a filter which sorts the posters by three size types. Broadly speaking anything at or above 74x110cm is classified as “Large/Extra Large”, between this and 50x80cm is “Normal”, and everything lower is “Small / Medium”. Where a poster is linen backed I have used the larger area (ie includes the backing material) in the classification. I do realise this is somewhat arbitrary but I am mindful of the occasional buyer or interior designer, looking for a “special something” to cover that empty and annoying blank wall, rather than the specialist collector. Needless to say, all are very welcome here.
I hope you like the posters on the site. Please feel free to contact me to discuss anything here or if there’s something special you are looking for. More generally, if you have something you’d like to sell please get in touch as I may be able to give you a bid or suggest alternative ways to sell your poster.
I am very pleased to share my passion for original vintage posters with you.
Tim Bloomfield
Red Door Posters